Asarnow to present her artwork in NYC exhibit

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Maplewood artist Rachel Asarnow will be one of six artists displaying their work in “The Pen and the Knife: Jewish Papercuts” at the Stanton Street Shul, 180 Stanton St. in New York City. The show will open Sept. 25 and run through Nov. 23.

Papercutting has been a common Jewish art form since the Middle Ages, connected with various customs and ceremonies, and associated with holidays and family life. The show’s six artists practice traditional papercutting as well as more modern interpretations of this longstanding artform.

An opening night reception will be Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.; refreshments will be served and admission is free. Following the opening, viewing is by appointment only; contact Jill Slater at 415-254-5455 or