CHS Music Technology Lab is upgraded for new school year

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MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The Columbia High School Music Technology Lab was updated and expanded during the summer. South Orange-Maplewood School District fine arts supervisor James Manno collaborated with SoundTree in designing the new lab space. SoundTree, the educational division of Korg USA, helps provide educators with innovative ways to teach music in a group environment.

The new room arrangement increased seating capacity by two additional workstations and includes a teacher control station where the music instructor can access and listen in on all student stations, provide a lecture via headset, and link students to each other for partner and group learning experiences. 

Students will use APPLE iMac computers and M-Audio keyboard controllers to interface with GarageBand and Ableton Live music software to execute the course curriculum. ProTools software is also available for more complex music production projects.

Photos Courtesy of James Manno