CHS students display art at Kean

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UNION, NJ — On Jan. 28, Columbia High School art and photography students Shaine Hammarberg and Jonathan Dalce each exhibited an original art piece, alongside other art students throughout New Jersey, at the 30th annual Emerging Artists High School Art Exhibition.

Each year, Kean University’s Department of Fine Arts, in collaboration with the Art Administrators of New Jersey, hosts the annual exhibition in the school’s Howe Gallery. The event recognizes the outstanding artistic talents of New Jersey’s high school students in the area of visual arts and heightens public awareness of art education programs in the state.

Hammarberg’s piece, “Raged Butterflies,” is crafted in charcoal and colored pencil. Dalce’s silver print photograph, “Photogram,” is a photographic image made without a camera using photosensitive materials to capture images of various objects at different time exposures.

CHS photography teacher Jon Fisher and visual art teacher B. Curtis Grayson III, along with school district fine arts supervisor James A. Manno, also attended the event.

Photos Courtesy of James A Manno