Enjoy a musical evening at TBA

Robert Butts

LIVINGSTON, NJ — On Sunday, Feb. 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Temple B’nai Abraham, 300 E. Northfield Road in Livingston, the Prime Time Group of Temple B’nai Abraham will present a musical event featuring maestro Robert Butts, music director and conductor of the Baroque Orchestra of New Jersey. Butts will discuss “The Music and Impact of Leonard Bernstein” in honor of Bernstein’s 100th birthday.

This lecture is open to the community; admission is charged. Refreshments will be served. For a reservation, call 973-994-2290 or visit www.tbanj.org by Feb. 15.

Bernstein was a composer, conductor, educator, musician, cultural ambassador and humanitarian. As a theater composer, Bernstein and his collaborators created such outstanding shows as “On The Town,” “Wonderful Town,” “West Side Story” and “Candide.” As a composer for the concert hall, Bernstein’s scores united diverse musical elements at a time when it was frowned upon to do so. His courage in mixing genres paved the way for future generations of composers to take similar risks.