Ramadan is a time of reflection and community for Muslims worldwide and many came together locally to celebrate its start at a moon lighting in the township.
The Feb. 28 moon lighting, which happened for the first time last year, was held at the Springfield Avenue Gazebo. The moon was lit at sunset and will remain lit for the month of Ramadan. There were activities for children and refreshments were served.
Sabeel Abulsoud, of the Middle Eastern Muslim Organization, welcomed the group to the event. Last year they were joined by the towns of West Orange and Livingston.
This year, residents of Montclair, Little Falls, and North Caldwell joined as well.
“It’s amazing,” Abulsoud said.
Mayor Nancy Adams greeted people and wished them well.
“As you all celebrate, I wish you deeply, from my heart, peace and love and happiness,” Adams said. “Happy Ramadan!”
The ninth month on the Islamic calendar, Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast from dawn to sunset and devote themselves to pray and study of the Quran.
Organizer Fauzia Shaikh said it is the most holy month.
“Evenings are filled with food and family,” Shaikh said. “Today marks the start of a month of Ramadan. Ramadan helps you focus on simple things in life. We learn persistence and self-control. We appreciate. We come together.”
At sunset, there was a countdown and the moon was lit. There was cheering from the crowd.
In addition to Mayor Nancy Adams, also in attendance were Committees persons Vic DeLuca and Dean Dafis; Deputy Mayor Malia Herman; and manager of the Maplewood Division of Arts and Culture, Andrea Teutli.
“It’s a time for reflection to think about others, self-reflect, re-evaluate your life and see how you can improve,” said Farihe Chougle at the event. “A month that signifies getting closer to God. Getting stronger in faith and carrying on that change for the entire year.”
Chanel Knight-Ouedraogo of Maplewood was there with her 11-year-old son Matthew. Knight-Ouedraogo said she was born and raised in Maplewood.
“My husband is Muslim,” Knight-Ouedraogo said. “It’s [Ramadan] very special and dear to us, bringing harmony and peace. I appreciate this township, all the ways they have something for everyone, coming together and experiencing different religions.
Attendees brought non-perishable food items which were donated to NIA Masjid & Community Center in Newark.
The Maplewood event was sponsored by SOMA’s Middle Eastern and Muslim Community, the Town of Maplewood, and the Maplewood Division of Arts & Culture.