Pushcart Players artistic director to perform ‘ART’ Zoom reading

VERONA, NJ — Paul Whelihan, artistic director of Pushcart Players, will perform in Zoom readings of “ART,” a play by Yasmine Reza, on Thursday, May 6, and Friday, May 7, at 7:30 p.m. The production, directed by Dov Tiefenbach, explores friendship, mortality and, of course, art. The performance is free, though donations are welcome.

“‘ART’” tells the comedic story of three long-time friends: Serge, Marc and Yvan, whose relationship is put to the test when Serge purchases a completely modern painting,” producer Jim Watt said. “The high-price purchase sets off a heated exchange about what constitutes ‘art,’ and quickly becomes more personal as the three resentfully bring up their individual failures. Will these friendships be forever destroyed?”

The cast features Whelihan as Marc, Jim Kempner as Serge and Christopher Redman as Yvan.

“I am very grateful to have the opportunity to explore this terrific play with an exceptional team of artists,” Whelihan said. “I am even more grateful that these efforts will benefit Pushcart Players’ mission to uplift art in all its forms.”

To attend one of the shows, visit https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hJAkyYZGSq6ivLB4liwdPg.