‘Un-Common-Place’ at CHS’ Domareki Gallery

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MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The Columbia High School Domareki Gallery is currently showing the exhibit “Un-Common-Place,” featuring the works of Sybil Archibald, Terry Boddie and Russell Christian.

The exhibit will run through Sept. 30, and on Friday, Sept. 23, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., there will be an artists’ reception.

The expansiveness of an inner spiritual place, independent of physical losses, is explored by Archibald in her monotype series, “The Inner Life of the Artist.” She touches upon the timeless internal landscape that supports the practice of art and the experience of listening on a very deep level without expectation.

Memory, identity and globalization are examined by Boddie as he invokes the experience of migration in his series, “Residual Memory.” Memories of a former home merge with the changes and challenges of the new place and culture. As a photographer and multi-disciplinary artist he blurs the distinctions between photography, drawing and painting.

With both dark humor and playfulness, Christian populates his spaces with contorting characters, experiencing the confines of a particular place, time or situation. He comes from a perspective of drawing cartoons and performing.

Visitors are invited to explore the sense of place uniquely portrayed by each of these artists. This exhibit is curated by art teacher Ellen Weisbord.