Columbia High School students explore mental health through their artwork

Columbia High School students explore mental health through their artwork

MAPLEWOOD / SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — Curtis Grayson III’s art students at Columbia High School have been drawing their brains. They’ve been spending the last few months working on a project that revolves around mental health, visualizing their interpretations of what that looks like. Some are drawing on their own experiences and some aren’t, but […]

Glen Ridge community protests school district’s decision to cut high school librarian position

Glen Ridge community protests school district’s decision to cut high school librarian position

GLEN RIDGE, NJ — Glen Ridge residents and staff members in the Glen Ridge School District are protesting the elimination of Glen Ridge High School’s library media specialist due to cuts in the 2021-2022 budget. The budget was approved unanimously at the BOE’s April 26 meeting after a public hearing; no members of the public […]

SOMA BOE approves creation of task force to address sexual assault

SOMA BOE approves creation of task force to address sexual assault

SOUTH ORANGE / MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The South Orange–Maplewood Board of Education approved creating a task force to protect students from sexual assault and violence at its May 17 meeting, following students speaking out about their own experiences at the April 19 meeting. The resolution allows Superintendent Ronald Taylor or a designee to appoint stakeholders […]

‘Painters in the Park’ inspires beautiful creations at Memorial Park

‘Painters in the Park’ inspires beautiful creations at Memorial Park

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — On Saturday, May 15, the Maplewood Memorial Park Conservancy, in conjunction with the Maplewood Department of Community Services, held its first-ever “Painters in the Park” event. Some 20 local artists painted “en plein air” in historic Memorial Park, while parkgoers strolled through the park, enjoying their work and the beautiful spring day. […]