State officials express support for retiring ‘freeholder’ title

State officials express support for retiring ‘freeholder’ title

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — Gov. Phil Murphy announced July 9 that he supports legislation that would change the name of county elected officials from “freeholder” to “county commissioner,” abolishing the title that is both referencing a time when only white male landowners could hold public office and confusing. New Jersey is the only state that […]

WOHS 2020 graduates get their day in the sun

WOHS 2020 graduates get their day in the sun

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Members of the West Orange High School Class of 2020 finally had the opportunity to don their robes and walk for graduation on July 9 in Suriano Stadium. With Gov. Phil Murphy’s allowance for socially-distanced graduations, the administrative team at the high school began preparations for an outdoor ceremony to be […]

Former Orange acting business administrator indicted on corruption, fraud and tax charges

Former Orange acting business administrator indicted on corruption, fraud and tax charges

ORANGE, NJ — The former acting business administrator for the township of Orange has been charged in a 28-count indictment with conspiracy, bribe-taking, money and property fraud; federal tax fraud; and making false statements in connection with a mortgage, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced in a July 8 press release. Willis Edwards III, 49, formerly […]

GR municipal taxes to increase by 2 percent

GR municipal taxes to increase by 2 percent

GLEN RIDGE, NJ — The Glen Ridge Borough Council unanimously passed the 2020 budget on April 27, approving a 2 percent tax increase in the $15,712,285.40 budget. Revenue from taxes will bring in $11,615,593.51. These taxes represent only the municipal portion. Residents also pay taxes to the county and to the school district, which takes […]

Bloomfield Animal Shelter keeps to its mission

Bloomfield Animal Shelter keeps to its mission

BLOOMFIELD, NJ — In the first couple of weeks of March, the Bloomfield Animal Shelter was housing seven dogs and 20 cats. Then, as the world was thrown into the chaos that is still ongoing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the shelter’s phone started ringing off the hook. “It escalated pretty quickly,” Nick […]

Orange High School graduates Class of 2020

Orange High School graduates Class of 2020

ORANGE, NJ — The Orange School District found a way to celebrate its graduating seniors despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, holding a virtual graduation ceremony for Orange High School on June 25 after the drive-by processional through town on June 18. Footage of the parade, during which students were driven around in their caps and […]