BLOOMFIELD, NJ — In these times of self-isolation and quarantine, The Historical Society of Bloomfield extends its support to members and all in the Bloomfield community. The HSOB has updated its video archive with many of its presentations and programs throughout the years. They were video-recorded by WBMA-TV and are available on demand online at […]
Teachers adapt to online education as schools stay closed
By Amanda Valentovic and EmilyAnn Jackman / Staff Writers ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — It has been more than two weeks since the global COVID-19 pandemic shut down most of the country, and Essex County school districts have closed the doors to school buildings and moved to online classes. With no timeline for returning, teachers and […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — As the number of positive cases of COVID-19 around the world continues to rise, Bloomfield’s total has risen as well. As of the morning of April 2, according to Essex County, of the 2,607 cases in Essex County, 153 are in Bloomfield. Five people have died from complications of the virus. Mayor […]
CAMDEN, NJ — With hand hygiene at the top of everyone’s minds and toilet paper in high demand, many households are increasing their use of sanitizing wipes and “flushable” wipes. However, New Jersey American Water is telling customers not to flush these wipes down the toilet. Flushing wipes, paper towels or other paper products not […]
SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to progress in the United States and worldwide, many are trying to better understand what the virus is and how it affects humans. D. Brian Nichols, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Seton Hall University in South Orange, has conducted extensive research on […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — PSE&G has begun its pole replacement project on Montgomery Street between Orchard and Willet streets. Signs have been posted in areas where parking will not be allowed between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. The work is expected to be completed by April 2. “I understand that for residents living in this area […]
TRENTON, NJ — In an effort to help New Jersey address the COVID-19 pandemic now and in the future, the state Assembly and Senate passed a package of bills that addresses a variety of topics, from health care to allowing municipalities to hold online council meetings. A total of 27 bills were passed in the […]
ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt daily life across the world, Essex County and New Jersey state officials are providing updates every day to residents about cases in the county and state and how they are being handled. According to state of New Jersey statistics as of March 26, Essex […]
BLOOMFIELD, NJ — As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt daily life across the world, Bloomfield officials are providing updates to residents every day about cases in town and how they are being handled. As of March 23, Bloomfield has 16 confirmed cases of the virus. In a Facebook post on March 23, Mayor Michael […]
ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo Jr., Freeholder President Brendan Gill and Freeholder Vice President Wayne Richardson encourage all Essex County residents to complete the U.S. census to ensure a complete and accurate population count is achieved in Essex. Completing the census is important, even as the country is occupied with the […]