JLOSH is accepting applications for Community Grants Program

JLOSH is accepting applications for Community Grants Program

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — The Junior League of the Oranges and Short Hills invites local nonprofit organizations to apply for a Community Grant for 2019-20. Grants range from $500 to $5,000. Grant recipients will be announced in the spring. The grants will be awarded to qualifying 501(c)(3) organizations whose programs further JLOSH’s “Fill the Need” […]

DEP reminds motorists to be extra cautious as deer mating season begins

DEP reminds motorists to be extra cautious as deer mating season begins

TRENTON, NJ — Drivers are urged to use extra caution and watch for white-tailed deer as deer mating season gets under way and darkness arrives earlier, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Division of Fish and Wildlife announced. White-tailed deer become more active during mating season, also known as the fall rut. Deer are […]

EOFD is awarded almost $400K in grants

EOFD is awarded almost $400K in grants

EAST ORANGE, NJ — With the month of October being observed as Fire Prevention Month, the East Orange Fire Department announced that it has been awarded nearly $400,000 in federal and private grants to increase health and safety measures for residents and firefighters, including launching the city’s first hearing impaired smoke alarm campaign. East Orange […]

Attorney general, DEP file 6 new lawsuits targeting polluters

Attorney general, DEP file 6 new lawsuits targeting polluters

TRENTON, NJ — As part of their ongoing environmental justice initiative, Attorney Gen. Gurbir Grewal and Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Catherine McCabe announced Oct. 25 the filing of six new enforcement actions targeting polluters in minority and lower-income communities across New Jersey. Filed in Superior Courts around the state, the six lawsuits focus on […]

EO mayor hosts citywide community forum

EAST ORANGE, NJ — East Orange Mayor Ted Green and his leadership team addressed constituent concerns at a citywide community forum in Cicely Tyson School Performing Arts Center on Thursday, Oct. 10. According to Connie Jackson, the East Orange public information officer, the forum was well attended and included a virtual audience via the city’s […]

Tree-lighting ceremony illuminates Orange’s battle against domestic violence

ORANGE, NJ — Orange hosted its second annual purple tree lighting on Tuesday, Oct. 15, to raise consciousness about domestic violence, honor survivors, remember victims and encourage advocates. Oct. 1 marked the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month nationwide, and the purple lights will remain on the trees and the building will be lit until […]

East Orange police are promoted in ceremony

  EAST ORANGE, NJ — At a ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 17, in East Orange City Hall’s Council Chambers, 12 police officers were promoted in the presence of their family, friends and peers. East Orange Police Department Lts. Alton Jackson, Ronson Johnson and Michael Williams Jr. and Sgts. Howard L. Adams Jr., Telina R. Hairston, […]

N.J. Junior Leagues donate 72,000 bottles of water to Newark residents

N.J. Junior Leagues donate 72,000 bottles of water to Newark residents

NEWARK, NJ — Junior Leagues from across New Jersey united as one Junior League to support the many residents of the city of Newark impacted by elevated lead levels in their drinking water. Each of the eight New Jersey Junior Leagues raised funds that went toward the bulk purchase of bottled water. Together at St. […]

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