COVID-19 touches down in West Orange

Township, entire state, close down everyday life to prevent spread of disease

COVID-19 touches down in West Orange

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The township is feeling the effects of COVID-19, the strain of coronavirus that was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11. School districts, many businesses and other organizations have closed and schools have moved to online learning for at least two weeks. As of March 19, […]

Yet again, Essex County takes lion’s share of Jersey Arts awards

Yet again, Essex County takes lion’s share of Jersey Arts awards

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — The ArtPride New Jersey Foundation, in partnership with the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, recently announced the winners of the 2020 People’s Choice Awards. Now in its 12th year, the annual contest celebrates the extraordinary work of New Jersey’s vital and thriving arts community. Nearly 11,000 arts lovers […]

West Orange will receive complete streets assistance

West Orange will receive complete streets assistance

EWING, NJ — Eight municipalities will receive up to $10,000 in technical assistance for complete streets projects ranging from workshops on walkability to bicycle network plans, conceptual designs and safety assessments, the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority recently announced. The municipalities were selected through a competitive application process. The only Essex County recipient will be […]

West Orange School District aids in 2020 Census effort

West Orange School District aids in 2020 Census effort

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange School District is raising awareness of the 2020 Census, especially during Statistics in Schools Week, which ran March 2 through 6. Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Eveny de Mendez has worked with her team of educators to implement directed communication strategies that will help the West Orange […]

Confirm events are still happening before you get in the car

Confirm events are still happening before you get in the car

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — EssexNewsDaily and its affiliated newspapers print notices and calendars telling readers about upcoming events, programs, lectures and more. Due to COVID-19, a lot of municipalities and organizations are canceling or postponing events. Some of these cancellations may occur after publication, or simply not be communicated to us in time to prevent […]

WOAC exhibit showcases advanced high school artists

WOAC exhibit showcases advanced high school artists

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Through a partnership with the Visual and Performing Arts Program at West Orange High School, the West Orange Arts Center’s latest show features rising stars of West Orange’s arts community, from Saturday, March 7, through Sunday, March 29. A reception will take place Saturday, March 21, from 1 to 4 p.m. […]

Police respond to bank robbery in West Orange

Police respond to bank robbery in West Orange

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Earlier today, March 10, West Orange police received a call from a security company reporting several panic alarms generating from the TD Bank located at 425 Pleasant Valley Way. Responding units were immediately advised that a robbery had just occurred, which coincided with eyewitness accounts of a robbery inside the bank, […]