Three teenagers face charges in fake drug deal

WEST ORANGE, NJ — An 18-year-old Fanwood woman and two West Orange teenagers face charges after the woman allegedly told police the pair brandished a handgun during a fake marijuana deal, according to a Sept. 22 release from West Orange Township. Madison McBride, 18, of Shady Lane, Fanwood, is charged with loitering to obtain a […]

Celebrate National Public Lands Day at the Thomas Edison NHP

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Thomas Edison National Historical Park will be joining national park sites around the country in celebrating National Public Lands Day with a fee free day on Saturday, Sept. 24. The Laboratory Complex at 211 Main St. will be open with regular programs beginning at 10 a.m. At 5 p.m. a very […]

Daughters of Israel ups the ante with fun casino night

LIVINGSTON, NJ — Daughters of Israel’s Casino Night/Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament, a charity benefit for the home, took place on Thursday, Sept. 15, at the Crystal Plaza in Livingston. The fun and enjoyable event, which was chaired by Thelma Florin, was underwritten by Valley National Bank. Picture are Gerald Lipkin, chairman, president and CEO of […]

Bill to require NJ Transit to notify public prior to service reduction is now law

TRENTON, NJ — A bill Assembly Democrats Wayne P. DeAngelo, Raj Mukherji, Valerie Vainieri Huttle and John McKeon sponsored to help ensure that mass transit riders are properly informed of proposed service cuts is now law. The new law, A-227, requires NJ Transit to hold a public hearing and provide notice prior to a reduction […]

Senate action furthers Rahway River flood control initiative

CRANFORD, NJ — The Mayors Council on Rahway River Watershed Flood Control reported in a recent press release that on Sept. 15 the U.S. Senate passed by a 96-4 vote the Federal Water Resources Development Act, which includes a directive to the secretary to expedite the final review and provide pre-construction and engineering funds for […]

HPC questions WO, Prism on redevelopment

Despite HPC insistence that Prism is using the wrong plans, redeveloper maintains that HPC is mistaken

HPC questions WO, Prism on redevelopment

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange Historic Preservation Commission told the Township Council during the council’s Sept. 6 meeting that Prism Capital Partners, which is currently overseeing development on the construction of the Edison Village complex, has not been using the drawings for the Main Street building facade that the HPC had approved for […]

WOHS’ annual fan fest set for Sept. 23

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The annual West Orange High School fan fest will be held on Friday, Sept. 23, from 4 to 7 p.m. on the baseball field, followed by West Orange vs. Columbia football at 7:20 p.m. in Suriano Stadium. Clubs and sports teams will be on hand to host games, sell food, paint […]

TC rejects proposal for senior citizen advisory board

In rare first reading rejection, TC strikes down Ord. 2491-16

TC rejects proposal for senior citizen advisory board

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange Township Council rejected an ordinance proposing a senior citizen advisory board during its Sept. 6 meeting. The rare first reading rejection came as a result of a 4-1 vote, with Councilman Joe Krakoviak being the only one in favor of it. Krakoviak had co-authored the measure along with […]

Blood drive at UPCWO

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The United Presbyterian Church of West Orange is hosting a blood drive on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 20 Old Indian Road. Walk-ins are welcome. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, eat before donation, and bring identification.

Departmentalization, new standards come to WOSD

WOSD continues work to modernize WO education

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Most West Orange students who recently returned to school were met with new initiatives designed to improve their learning experience and better prepare them for the future. The West Orange School District this year implemented departmentalization for grades four and five, meaning students at those levels will now report to multiple […]