West Essex YMCA leads charge for a healthier West Orange

WEST ORANGE, NJ — A community coalition is using a $10,000 grant from Partners for Health Foundation to run a community garden and improve the town’s walkability, according to a press release. “We’ve launched efforts that encourage families to eat healthier and would allow them to safely walk from one end of town to the […]

Free community health fair in WO

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The Nia Fellowship Baptist Church will host a free community health fair on Saturday, July 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the church, 174 So. Valley Road in West Orange. The following free screenings will be available: cholesterol, glucose, podiatry, children’s dental, blood pressure, vision and chiropractic, in addition […]

West Orange Scouts bring reading closer to home

West Orange Scouts bring reading closer to home

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Five West Orange boys originally from Cub Scout Pack 10 and now part of Boy Scout Troop 2 have given the gift of literacy to residents with the installation of five book-exchange libraries throughout the township. Harold Ross, Seun Ogun, Peter Teixeira Jr., Mekhi Graves and Kyle Bullard each helped design, […]

Outstanding talent highlighted at annual WOHS art show

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The art wing at West Orange High School was transformed into its own version of a museum as students displayed their creative talents on June 1. Each year, work is selected from all art classes — grades nine through 12, beginner through advanced — and displayed for one night in the […]

WO couple mourns tree loss on Valley roadways

WO couple mourns tree loss on Valley roadways

WEST ORANGE, NJ — A West Orange couple is lamenting the loss of approximately six trees on Hazel Avenue between Rollinson Street and Oak Ridge Road, which they say is the latest instance of the township “destroying” trees around the Valley district during the past decade. The six trees in question were cut down as […]

WOAHO sponsors third annual ‘Fun with STEM’ program at Edison Middle School

WOAHO sponsors third annual ‘Fun with STEM’ program at Edison Middle School

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The third annual “Fun with STEM” program, sponsored by the West Orange African Heritage Organization, was held June 17 at Edison Middle School. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics studies have become increasingly popular over the past several years in high schools and college campuses across the country. The U.S. Bureau of […]

County plans month of festivities to celebrate parks and recreation

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs announced a month-long schedule of activities to celebrate July as National Parks and Recreation Month. The public is invited to enjoy “Wellness on the Waterfront,” which includes exercise demonstrations, concerts, movies, and arts and crafts at the South Mountain Recreation Complex […]

Town issues bonds for library

WO makes good on promise to pay for renovations, including new facade

WEST ORANGE, NJ — The West Orange Township Council unanimously approved an ordinance on second and final reading at its June 28 meeting appropriating $850,000 and issuing $807,500 worth of bonds for various capital projects, including several improvements to the West Orange Public Library. The ordinance designates $617,500 in bonds to the WOPL, with total […]