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Local charities gearing up to help countries devastated by recent earthquakes and hurricanes
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The Action Against Hunger Food Drive, sponsored by Gannett Company with the Foundation of Northern New Jersey and Meeting Essential Needs with Dignity or MEND, was at the Stop & Shop in South Orange on Sunday, Sept. 24, from noon to 4 p.m. MEND is an interfaith anti-hunger network. Comprised of 16 interfaith food pantries within Essex County, cities and towns represented within this network include Bloomfield, Caldwell, East Orange, Irvington, Maplewood, Montclair, Newark, Orange and West Orange. At this event on Sunday, Sept. 24, were the following volunteers: Erika Martinez, Lisbeth Garcia, Tom Johnson, Moses Oliva, Kenia Olivera, team captain Alison Bryant, Merrick Harris, Silvio Martinez and Wheatonia Malekebu, kneeling.