‘Bubbles for Autism’ fill the sky at Redwood Elementary School

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WEST ORANGE, NJ — Autism Awareness Month culminated at Redwood Elementary School on April 26 with the school’s sixth annual “Bubbles for Autism” event. “Bubbles for Autism” was begun by Families for Autistic Children, Education and Support, or FACES, eight years ago.

Redwood spent the month of April raising awareness for autism, beginning with a schoolwide assembly held by Autism Awareness coordinators and teachers Kathie Waldron, Eileen Lambert and Kristen Dunleavy. The theme for the assembly was “encouragement” and the teachers spoke about encouraging one another to do their best and to embrace the differences in their peers.

A “buddy activity” pairing older students with younger ones formed acceptance circles to show that everyone was the same in the Redwood School community. Student leaders read facts about autism during the morning announcements for the entire month.

The concept behind “Bubbles for Autism” is to “burst those bubbles” and bring acceptance and awareness to the disorder through education. Bubbles are a symbol of joy, hope and laughter that bring people together.

“Thank you to Tanya Atterberry and the Redwood PTA for providing us with bubbles so we may continue to carry on this tradition and support autism awareness,” Waldron said in a press release.

Photos Courtesy of WOSD