Celebrating the Feast of Sacrifice in Newark’s Weequahic Park

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Photos Courtesy of Kathleen Witcher

Local mosques and parks were filled with colorful garments worn by Muslims of all ages who gathered to pray early on Sunday, June 16, which was Eid Al Adha known as the Feast of Sacrifice.

The feast is the time when millions of Muslims from many countries gather at Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia as part of their Hajj pilgrimage to hear presentations focused on how to better serve and make a difference in the world.

The Hajj trip is a pillar of the religion of Al Islam. Many Muslims make the trip to Mecca in Saudi Arabia as a fulfillment of faith. At other locations, the holiday includes feasts and activities that are shared and enjoyed for three days.

Pictured are the festivities held by the United Eid Committee, which organizes events in the greater Newark area, at Weequahic Park where there was a game truck, bounce houses, a bean pie eating contest, pictured lower left, and a fashion runway, pictured lower right.