Community decorates luminary bags prior to MLK Jr. Day

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SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — In anticipation of South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance on Monday, Jan. 21, area residents came together at the Baird in South Orange on Jan. 13 to decorate bags for the luminaries project.

Following the CCR observance on Jan. 21 at 2 p.m. and annual volunteer fair and reception at 3:30 p.m. at Columbia High School, the community will gather on the CHS front lawn on 5:30 p.m. to light these luminaries, a visual symbol of the community’s dedication to Dr. King’s message. At 6 p.m., residents are encouraged to light the luminaries at their homes and sharing the images on social media using the hashtags #LetThereBeLight and #SOMALuminaries.

For more information on the luminaries project and the other programming the CCR has scheduled to commemorate Dr. King, visit

Photos Courtesy of Sheena Collum