Lieutenant governor welcomed at black history event

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ORANGE, NJ — In celebration of Orange High School’s recognition of Black History Month, Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver appeared in the auditorium of the Orange Preparatory Academy on Wednesday, Feb. 12. This was part of the African-American Speaker Series, sponsored by the school’s social studies departments, and Oliver came to converse with more than 530 students in Orange High School’s junior and senior classes about what they need to know about black history.

The lieutenant governor was welcomed to the Orange School District by Orange High School Principal Jason Belton, Assistant Principal Carrie Halstead and Superintendent of Schools Gerald Fitzhugh II, as well as the Board of Education president and vice president, district administrators and students, before going to Orange Preparatory Academy to make her remarks.

“Through the extremely hard work of Ms. Jean Jackson, the lieutenant governor visited Orange High School for Black History Month,” said Halstead.

Oliver is the first woman and the first black person to serve as lieutenant governor in New Jersey. Her remarks covered the history of blacks in America, from 1619 to present. She spoke about her career and standing on the shoulders of those who have come before her. At the end of her talk, Belton presented her with flowers and gifts. The program concluded with a signing of the welcome banner.