WEST ORANGE, NJ — The Holy Trinity Episcopal Church’s food pantry is in need of donations, after seeing a drop in fundraising during the last six months. As donations via Venmo are no longer able to be taken, the food pantry is in need of funds to stay open and continue providing food to those who need it. According to Cynthia Cumming, the food pantry’s coordinator, donating money is the best way to help.
“We couldn’t take money from Venmo anymore,” Cumming said in a phone interview with the West Orange Chronicle on July 20, referring to the mobile payment service that allows users to transfer money to one another via a cell phone app. “So since January I’ve only had about $2,000 come in.”
The Venmo account, which belonged to another community member who volunteered with the food pantry, could have been seen by the state as an illegal attempt to raise funds because of the church’s 501(c)(3) and tax-exempt designation. As a result, donations have dropped because there is no other online option.
“I have money in the account, but it will be gone in about a year,” Cumming said. “I need donations. I think people would rather hand me a bag of groceries than money and that’s their prerogative, but what really helps is the money.”
The food pantry’s volunteers buy supplies in bulk, which allows them to make the donations last longer. They are also more aware of what is needed.
“I can do better if I can go get it myself, so I want people to know that I still need donations,” Cumming said.
The Rev. Miguel A. Hernandez of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church told the Chronicle in a July 20 phone interview that the food pantry has been operating for about 12 years, run entirely by volunteers.
“The food pantry has been here for 12 years,” Hernandez said. “They offer food five times a month and we buy food in bulk so the prices are lower. We also have Christine’s Kitchen, where people can come for a hot meal at noon on Saturdays. We need to make sure the kitchen is running, so the food pantry helps with that.”
“It’s sustained by goodwill,” Hernandez said. “We’re a small church and it’s hard to sustain, so any donations that we get go to the funds. There’s a lot of money that is needed to keep it going.”
To make a donation to the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church food pantry, mail or drop off a check made out to the food pantry at 315 Main St., West Orange, NJ 07052.
Photo Courtesy of WOSD