A ribbon cutting was held when the Love You Girl Foundation opened a boutique on South Orange Avenue in South Orange.
The Love You Girl Foundation was created after the founder’s best friend was shot and killed by her own husband.
The foundation, which honors Alice M. Jenkins, was created by Betty Neal Mantion with other friends of Jenkins, Mattie Crowley and Delores Mae, who are also executive board members of the organization.
“The number one thing we do is education and awareness,” said Mantion. “Based on statistics, we all know someone who has been impacted in some way.”
The Love You Girl Foundation brings awareness to fundraising events, pop up shops, and business expos.
“We have information,” said Mantion. “At every event there’s education and awareness for those in attendance. We always like to talk about it and not shy away from talking about it. It’s still taboo, for whatever reasons.”
One in four women and one in seven men have experienced domestic violence in an intimate partner relationship.
“And dating violence, it’s very prevalent in our community,” Mantion said. “It can impact anymore. We can’t be shy. You have to say what needs to be said. ”
Love You Girl Foundation has been serving the community for more than 12 years. About a year ago, Love You Girl Foundation opened a boutique on 76 South Orange Ave., South Orange. The name of the location is Boutique Events & More.
“There’s a lot going on in the boutique,” said Mantion. “We had this idea, an upscale thrift shop. We get clothes donated. Most of the clothes have price tags on them. Brand new or slightly used; really in good shape.”
The boutique is open to the public and it also is sometimes transformed into an event space for children’s birthday parties or fundraisers. “We have a lawn outside of the store, with tents, tables, and chairs,” said Mantion. It can accommodate up to 38 people with tables and chairs.
Also, in the boutique there’s a relaxation lounge, which has aromatherapy, tea, and hot chocolate.
“We invite anyone,” said Mantion. “We invite them to spend time here. Take 15 minutes just for yourself.”
To learn more about Love You Girl Foundation, visit: www.loveyougirl.org
If you or someone you know need help, please contact one of these agencies to get help safely: National Domestic Violence Hot Line, 800-799-(SAFE) 7233; or Common Ground Sanctuary, 800-231-1127.