Re-elected council members sworn in


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Four re-elected Irvington council members were recently sworn in, having been reelected to an additional term.

The oath of office was administered July 1 to Council President Jamillah Z. Beasley from the South Ward; October Hudley, council first president, from the East Ward; Vern Cox from the West Ward; and Orlander Glen Vick of the North Ward. They were all re-elected on May 14.This term, Cox said his priorities remain the same.

“I would like to make sure the streets are clean,” Cox said. “We’re working right now, increasing the number of police officers we have. New cars are coming in. Basically, just keep doing what we’re doing. We’re doing pretty good. People tell me we’re doing good. Keep moving along.”

On July 1, 2014, Cox was appointed to fill a council seat vacancy left in the West Ward. At a Special Election on Nov. 4, 2014, he was elected West Ward council member to serve the remainder of the term, which expired on June 30, 2016.

Cox was subsequently elected three more times, including on May 14.

When Cox took his Oath of Office this term he was surrounded by his family at the Municipal Council’s Inauguration and Reorganization Meeting on July 1.

Vick said he plans to be particularly passionate about redevelopment during this term.

“We’ve done so much over the past three years,” he said. “Creating quality living for the East Ward. I’m hoping to see all of that manifest. Quality of life and sanitation.

Trying to fight hard crime, but everyday things that homeowners deal with—people loitering, loud noises, loud barbecues.”

He also will continue to be “real diligent with timelines.”

“Presenting the budget earlier than last year, earlier than all previous years,” Vick said. “Generally making sure we have the administration accountable in the way they manage the taxpayer’s dollars and that quality of life. I want to make sure the admin provides those services to the best of their ability.”

On Sept. 9, 2019, Vick was appointed to fill the vacancy in the North Ward Council Member seat left by the passing of David Lyons. He was first elected during a special election on Nov. 5, 2019 to serve the remainder of the David Lyons term, which expired June 30, 2020.

On May 12, 2020, Vick was re-elected North Ward Council Member for a four-year term and due to COVID-19 he took his oath of office virtually on July 1, 2020.
He was re-elected to serve a four-year term as North Ward Council Member on May 14.

Still on the council and up for reelection for the term starting in 2026 are Darlene Brown, who is an at large council member and Charnette Frederick, who now serves as second vice president. Mayor Tony Vauss is also up for reelection for the 2026 term.