Santa visits Washington St. School

The magic of the holiday season was evident by the abundant smiles of an estimated 500 children at the Washington Street School on Dec. 16.

Santa Claus arrived with more than 800 donated toys made possible by the partnership between the West Orange Hispanic Foundation and the Cooperman Barnabas Center.

Mayor Susan McCartney, Councilwoman Michelle Casalino, Deputy Mayor Rodolfo Rodriguez, who is president of the West Orange Hispanic Foundation, Margie Heller of Cooperman Barnabas, Senior Services Director Laura Van Dyke, and Schools Superintendent Hayden Moore all helped out.

Director of Languages Director Felix Plata bore a striking resemblance to Santa Claus.

This was the ninth consecutive year for the partnership that has helped foster community spirit for West Orange residents not only during the holidays but year-round as well.


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