West Orange church flips collection

Photo Courtesy of Life Christian Chuch
Church goers at the Life Christian Church took money out of the collection plate at a recent service and then did good deeds with it.

Most churches pass an offering plate each Sunday to collect money.

The Life Christian Church in West Orange did the opposite on Sunday, Oct. 1, giving away cash through a reverse offering.

“Our church is always trying to find ways to express generosity and especially to people in need,” Lead Pastor Terry A. Smith said. “We decided in this case to give cash money to everybody who was on hand that Sunday and give them an opportunity to experience the joy of blessing another person financially.”

The offering plate distributing money was passed around the church at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services to illustrate the generous nature of God. And to give their congregation a chance to demonstrate this giving characteristic of God, according to the church.

The money was in unmarked envelopes containing amounts of $2, $5, $10, $50 and $100. Thousands of dollars were given away to empower their congregation to live out the mission of the church, spreading God’s love in ever-widening circles. Smith wasn’t sure of the exact amount passed out as there were some envelopes left over.

Congregation members found unique ways to distribute the money.

“We went out to lunch right after church and paid the bill for another family with a note letting them know that God loved them,” Member Andrew DaSilva said, “It was priceless to see their expression when the waitress dropped it off.”

Smith said the purpose of the reverse offering was to bless people. “God has blessed us to bless others,” Smith said.

“We tell our community that every Sunday. So we wanted to put our money where our mouth is. Giving someone money is a very practical way to bless someone else.”

Smith said there is also a generational impact with this type of small but profound act. “Children will watch their parents pay for coffees, meals, you name it and will catch this spirit of generosity,” Smith said.

“Our goal is not a one time act of charity. Our goal is for our community to become known for their generosity and for them to pass that discipline down to their children.”

Smith has led The Life Christian Church located at 747 Northfield Ave. for 32 years. This non-denominational faith community has about 3,000 members, according to a press release from the church.

The church is collecting stories of how the congregation distributed the money to share during their onsite, 9 and 11 a.m. and online, 10 a.m., Sunday morning services on Oct. 22.

Smith said the reverse offering grew out of a teaching series on generosity he has been doing on Sundays.

“We encouraged people to be creative, depending on how much they got,” Smith said. The envelopes were opened together by everyone at the service.

Smith said he has been hearing stories about what people did with the money. In one case, it was used to help out someone in Dunkin Donuts, another person used it to buy food for the homeless in Penn Station; another gave it to a crossing guard who was stuck in the rain helping kids cross the streets..

Smith said he opened his envelope and found $2 which he plans to give to someone he sees on the street the next time he is in New York City.

Smith said the experience has reminded him how much fun it is to give.

“There are a number of studies that have been done about what happens in the brain when people are generous,” Smith said. “There is a part of the brain that lights up, the pleasure receptors; MRIs show it lights up when someone gives to a worthy cause. I think God designed us that way. When we give, we are blessed.”