West Orange schools recognize ‘Week of Respect’

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WEST ORANGE, NJ — West Orange schools commemorated the New Jersey state-mandated “Week of Respect” Oct. 3 through 7 with a series of events meant to create self-acceptance and respect for others.

Following the passage of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act in 2010, with amendments in 2011, a new series of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying requirements were established for New Jersey public schools. One such requirement is the “Week of Respect,” to be held the first week of October each year.

Guidance counselors, teachers and school administrators work to provide students with tools they can use to manage emotions, get help if they feel threatened, and assist fellow students. For example, West Orange High School has “safe zones” throughout the campus that students can go to when feeling stressed or unsafe.

Photos Courtesy of Cynthia Cumming