Bloomfield holds ribbon-cutting ceremony for new pickleball and tennis courts

BLOOMFIELD, NJ — On Monday, Sept. 13, Bloomfield held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for brand new pickleball and tennis courts located at Memorial Park. In total there are now two full-sized tennis courts, four pickleball courts and a practice wall at the park. 

“In Bloomfield, we have made it a priority to expand our outdoor spaces and deliver the best parks in the county for our residents,” Mayor Michael Venezia said. “These new courts are a continuation of that commitment, as they are state of the art and are built to last for generations. None of this could have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs director, Michael Sceurman, as well as his entire staff. I look forward to Bloomfield families taking advantage of this space and enjoying all of the recreational opportunities that our town has to offer.” 

The courts are made with post-tension concrete, which is stronger and more durable than traditional asphalt. This surface should get 20 to 30 years of use without cracking. 

Both the tennis and pickleball courts were funded through community development block grants with the contract totaling $411,955. 

“Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in America. When designing these courts, I really wanted to make it possible for both tennis and pickleball to be played simultaneously,” Sceurman said. “Our tennis courts at Pulaski Park and Clarks Pond South get a lot of play. Now our residents have the option to play pickleball as well. With the durability of the post-tensioned concrete construction, these courts will be here for current and future generations to play.”

In order to ensure that all residents have an opportunity to use the courts, there is a one-hour time limit. If nobody is waiting to use the courts, players may use them for up to 90 minutes. There is additionally no skateboarding, rollerblades, scooters or bikes permitted on the courts. 

Photos Courtesy of Grant Ludmer and RT Drone Service, Bloomfield