Archdiocese of Newark increases church attendance capacity

NEWARK, NJ — The Archdiocese of Newark announced Sept. 1 that the attendance limit for its 212 churches in Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Union counties has increased. Based on the latest New Jersey official guidelines, the number of faithful now permitted indoors for public liturgies, baptisms, weddings and funerals has increased to 150 participants or 25 percent of the church’s capacity, whichever is lower. The guidelines remain in place to ensure the safety and well-being of the faithful.

All protocols from Phase Three of the archdiocesan Directives for Re-Opening Churches remain in force. Masks still are required, and social distancing continues to be enforced. Parishes continue to sanitize pews and other common surfaces after each Mass. 

Mass attendance remains voluntary. Those who do not feel safe or who have compromising health conditions should not participate at this time.

The dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days remains in place, and many parishes continue to offer livestreamed Masses on their websites or Facebook pages to maintain a spiritual connection with their parish communities. For a full list, visit