Springfield bookstore supports RSVP Center with book drive

SPRINGFIELD, NJ — The RSVP Center of Essex and Hudson Counties, a program of Jewish Family Service of MetroWest NJ, is the recipient of Barnes & Noble of Springfield’s annual book drive. The more than 600 books collected will benefit RSVP’s Reading Buddies program, which matches older adult volunteers with elementary school students. 

Reading Buddies introduces the love of books and increases literacy in young children. Early literacy is linked with academic achievement, higher graduation rates and enhanced productivity in adult life. 

“Reading Buddies just wrapped up a successful virtual school year in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic,” RSVP program manager Julie Cramer-Le said. “We know how hard our teachers and schools worked this year to support their students, and our volunteers were fortunate to be part of that effort, working with classrooms to promote literacy and learning. We are so appreciative of Barnes & Noble Springfield for thinking of our program; their generous donation helps us provide books to our volunteers, as well as send books home with our students at the end of the year to keep them reading over the summer.”