Students thank Cardinal Tobin for scholarships with Thanksgiving cards

NEWARK, NJ — The Archdiocese of Newark provides $150,000 annually to the “We Are Living Stones” Catholic Tuition Assistance Program offered through the Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children, a nonprofit organization that provides partial tuition assistance for students who attend archdiocesan Catholic schools. Recently, in celebration of Thanksgiving, many of these students sent handwritten thank-you cards with holiday-themed drawings to Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, archbishop of Newark, expressing their gratitude for making their attendance at Catholic school possible. 

These heartfelt messages mentioned faith, favorite classes, friendships, athletic aspirations, dreams for the future and many “Happy Thanksgiving” wishes.

“Saint Michael School is a great school, and I am so lucky to be able to attend,” wrote a fourth-grader at the Newark school. “I love school and enjoy learning new things. My family knows the value of a good education, and that is why they put me here. I want to make my parents and you proud by doing my best. Thank you for supporting my family and giving me a chance to be successful. Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving.”

“I’m sending you the biggest hug to say thank you,” wrote a first-grader from St. Joseph School in East Orange. “I love my school and all the friends I made. Thank you for helping my mom and dad. Enjoy lots of turkey!”

“Thank you for helping me attend St. Aloysius Elementary Academy,” wrote a third-grader from the Jersey City school. “I really appreciate my scholarship. I really like my classes this year and everyone is so nice! I am looking forward to playing sports this year. Thank you again, and happy Thanksgiving!”

“I want to thank you for your kindness. I am so grateful for your generosity in giving me the financial resources I need to be able to attend school and learn new things,” wrote an eighth-grader at St. Benedict’s Preparatory School in Newark. “Even if you think that it is not a lot, it made a very big impact on me and my education, and for that, I just wanted to say thank you very much!”

“Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be taught at such a wonderful school. This school, St. Michael School, has taught me so many things I wouldn’t have learned without the blessings of my scholarship,” wrote a sixth-grader from the Newark school. “At this school, they have given me lovely opportunities to shine. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and may God bless you.”

Created by the Archdiocese of Newark in 2021, the “We Are Living Stones” Catholic Tuition Assistance scholarships demonstrate a continued commitment to the future growth of Catholic education. The scholarships provide partial tuition assistance to Catholic students in grades K-8 attending one of the archdiocesan Catholic schools in Newark, Jersey City, East Orange, Union and Fairview, and are based on financial need.

“Through Catholic education, we have the unique opportunity to pass on our Christian values and faith, and carry out the mission of the Church,” Tobin said. “Many families who wish to send their children to Catholic schools simply cannot afford to do so even though they recognize the academic and spiritual advantage it offers their children. It is with great joy that we have the means, thanks to many generous donors and the Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children, to sponsor these students in their studies. I am grateful for the heartwarming notes and artwork sent by the students.” 

To learn more about the Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children and the “We Are Living Stones” Catholic Tuition Assistance Program, visit

Photos Courtesy of Archdiocese of Newark