Fisher named president of Wives & Ministers Widows of Newark

ORANGE, NJ — The members of the Abatenjwa Alliance Ministers’ Wives & Ministers Widows of Newark and Vicinity installed Gloria Fisher of Orange as the newly elected 23rd president on Friday, Jan. 13, at the Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, Newark. Elder Joshua Younger, of Jehovah Jireh Praise and Worship Center, delivered an inspirational, soul-stirring message from Matthew 3:16.

Fisher is the wife of the Rev. Michael L. Fisher, pastor of Canaan Missionary Baptist Church, 131 Pomona Ave., Newark. She has been a dedicated member of the Abatenjwa Alliance for more than 30 years, where she has served diligently in many capacities. She is also a member of the NJ State Ministers’ Wives & Ministers Widows, N.E. Regional Ministers’ Wives & Ministers Widows, and the International Association of Ministers’ Wives & Ministers Widows.

On Friday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m., founder Ethel Mae Foote will be honored during the 45th annual Founder’s Day Service at Jehovah Jireh P.W.C., 505 So. 15th St., Newark, where Bishop R. Carlton is pastor. All are welcome to attend.

For information, contact Sister Wyngia Lee Felder-Brown at 973-953-9427.