Mountainside Hospital acquires robotic system for joint-replacement procedures

Photo Courtesy of Mountainside Medical Center
Dr. Thomas K. John performed the first total knee replacement at Mountainside Medical Center using the Mako Robotic System. Above is John, right with certified surgical technologist Stefanos Vranos, left, and orthopedics-certified registered nurse Cecilia Fournier.

GLEN RIDGE / MONTCLAIR, NJ — Mountainside Medical Center, a part of the Hackensack Meridian Health system, has acquired a Stryker Mako robotic surgical system to perform robot-assisted joint replacement procedures. Mountainside has offered robot-assisted surgeries for a decade. The new Mako gives patients a minimally invasive option for total hip, total knee and partial knee replacements.

Mako SmartRobotics combines three key components — 3D computed tomography–based planning, AccuStop haptic technology and data analytics — into one platform that has improved outcomes for total knee, total hip and partial knee patients. The highly advanced robotic technology enables patients to recover more quickly and more effectively.

“The Mako robot is changing the way surgeons are performing joint replacements,” said Dr. Thomas K. John, an orthopedic surgeon. “Mako’s 3D CT allows surgeons to create a personalized plan based on each patient’s unique anatomy before entering the operating room. During surgery, the surgeon can validate that plan and make necessary adjustments while guiding the robotic arm to perform that plan. It’s exciting to be able to offer this transformative technology in a community hospital.”

“Mountainside is proud to be able to offer this highly advanced robotic technology in our community,” Mountainside Medical Center CEO Tim O’Brien said. “This addition to our orthopedic service line further demonstrates our commitment to provide the community with outstanding health care.”