Upcoming vegetation control in Glen Ridge

GLEN RIDGE, NJ — On Monday, July 26, with a rain date of July 27 and July 28, vegetation control will be applied to various cobble stone gutters throughout Glen Ridge.

The application will be completed by TruGreen of Randolph, spreading glufosinate ammonium, aka Cheetah Pro Herbicide, with a handheld sprayer. The local representative of TruGreen is Thomas Hart, who is contactable via telephone at 973-252-0140.

For routine health inquiries and to obtain information about signs and symptoms of pesticide exposure, call the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System at 800-222-1222 or the National Pesticide Information Center at 800-858-7378. For pesticide regulation information, pesticide complaints and health referrals, call the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection’s Pesticide Control Program at 609-984-6507.

Residents who would like to opt out of having the cobblestone gutter in front of their property sprayed can fill out the opt-out form at http://www.glenridgenj.org/permits.htm.

Upon request, the pesticide applicator or applicator business shall provide a resident of notification at least 72 hours prior to the application, except for quarantine and disease vector control, when conditions necessitate pesticide applications sooner than that time.