Irvington Education Association donates meals to hero first responders

IRVINGTON, NJ — The first responders of Irvington — police, firefighters and paramedics — have always selflessly responded to the community’s needs. Placing themselves in the path of harm is sometimes the nature of their work and readily understood when the adversary is known. However, going to work with the knowledge that they can get sick from a coronavirus not clearly understood or contained must be extremely nerve-racking and yet that doesn’t stop them from responding to those in need. They are heroes now more than ever.

In an effort to recognize their efforts and show them the community’s gratitude during this unprecedented health crisis, the Irvington Education Association donated dinner to first responders on April 8, 16 and 27. 

“We are so proud to be able to give back to a community that gives so much to the teachers, secretaries and security staff that work for the Irvington Board of Education,” IEA President Michael Byock said. “Just as the first responders are there for us and our students, we wanted to be there for them during this difficult time.”

Meals distributed in April included sandwiches and chips, chicken and french fries, and jerk chicken plates, as well as drinks. The IEA thanks Don’s Dinner, Burnett BBQ and PT Just Jerk for preparing the meals. Irvington’s first responders enjoyed the meals and were very thankful. 

Photos Courtesy of Joseph Romano