‘History Through Text’ with Rabbi Kulwin

LIVINGSTON, NJ — Temple B’nai Abraham’s Congregational Learning offers classes in “History Through Text” with Rabbi Clifford Kulwin throughout the year at the temple, 300 East Northfield Road, Livingston. The topic this year is “The Jewish Religion.” Taught in blocks of several weeks, each class will also be a stand-alone unit so that an inability to attend all or even most of the sessions will not be an impediment to an enjoyable and stimulating learning experience. All sessions are free and open to the community.​

On Thursday, April 19, at 7 p.m., “Liberal Judaism in Germany” will be explored. Jewish religious reform began in Germany, with the founding of Wissenschaft des Judentums, Science of Judaism, the 19th-century movement that premised on critical examination of the Jewish past. This led to the establishment of Reform Judaism in Germany as new theological understandings made innovations in liturgy possible and departures from rigorous observance acceptable.

Subsequent sessions will be Thursday, May 10, and Thursday, June 14. To register or for more information, visit www.tbanj.org or call 973-994-2290.