Learn about Parkinson’s research advancements

LIVINGSTON, NJ — The Parkinson’ s community, and the Jewish population in particular, are playing a vital role in the progress for Parkinson’s disease through clinical trial involvement, education and community building. On Thursday, Feb. 1, from 10:30 a.m. to noon, the Linda & Rudy Slucker NCJW/Essex Center for Women is having a workshop on Parkinson’s disease research and the road ahead. Heidi Schnapp, founder of LMR Elder Care, and Veronique Enos Kaefer, vice president of community engagement at the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, will discuss areas of promise and progress in research and the role patients and their families can play in the quest for a cure.

This program will be held at the NCJW/Essex Center for Women, 70 South Orange Ave., Suite 120, Livingston. Registration is required and open to all women in the community. To register or for additional information about this or other programs, call the NCJW/Essex Center for Women at 973-994-4994 or visit www.centerforwomenNJ.org. Workshops are free for members of NCJW and charged for non-members.