LIVINGSTON, NJ — Jill Zarin, formerly of “The Real Housewives of NYC” and co-author of “Secrets of a Jewish Mother,” regaled a large crowd at the Temple B’nai Abraham Sisterhood Speaker’s event on March 15, with her experiences as a cast member of a reality television show as well as her life after the show. She offered a rare glimpse into the behind-the-scenes workings of a reality television show, including casting, production, financial compensation, story content and “soft” scripts. Jill touched upon her book and its “secrets.”
Picture with Jill Zarin, in the blue dress in the middle, are, from left, Sisterhood co-presidents Suzanne Weinick and Sandra Kantor, and Sisterhood vice-presidents of programming Donna Seltzer and Susan Schwartz.
Photo Courtesy of Tina Greenberg