ORANGE, NJ — A Fire Safety Open House event to promote fire awareness and showcase two recently acquired rigs will be Saturday, April 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Orange Fire Department headquarters, 419 Central Ave., on the corner of Lincoln Avenue.
In an effort to champion safety in the community, this fun-filled event is designed to promote a serious message to children and their families about the importance of developing greater fire prevention awareness. The event will provide information about techniques and strategies to better enable them to understand the inherent dangers of fire and to know what to do in the event of a fire.
The day’s featured activities include the christening of fire engine two and ladder one; a free smoke detector signup; learning CPR and first aid; home safety planning; a Junior Public Safety Academy sign up; historic fire house tours; face-painting, children’s activities, food and refreshments and more. The event is free and open to the public.
“We are all too aware of the urgent need for creating greater awareness of the importance of good fire prevention, given the tragic consequences we have recently experienced here in our community. I firmly believe good preparation and information can go a long way toward preventing another tragedy from occurring. The simple installation of highly affordable smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors can give a family precious minutes and seconds to escape from the disastrous consequences of fire or carbon monoxide poisoning. My administration in cooperation with City Council, and the dedicated members of the Orange Fire Department are on a mission to do all we can to promote greater awareness. We will continue to step up efforts to communicate this kind of important information to our community. I know we can and will do a better job to help assure a greater measure of awareness and protection for our community,” said Mayor Dwayne D. Warren.