East Orange church to celebrate pastor’s second year with drive-by car parade

EAST ORANGE, NJ — In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic changed the way people celebrated major events, if they were able to celebrate at all, due to restrictions on public gatherings. New Hope Baptist Church of East Orange was no exception, having to place one of its main celebrations on hold: the first pastoral anniversary of Vernard E. Hinton, its senior pastor. Traditionally, pastoral anniversaries consist of a variety of indoor events, including breakfasts, brunches and banquets, among other celebratory activities.

Like many churches, New Hope Baptist Church had to switch all in-person worship services to virtual platforms due to COVID-19. This year, however, the church wanted to do something creative and special to honor its spiritual leader on his second anniversary, while continuing to follow COVID-19 public health guidelines. The result: a drive-by parade. 

The parade will be held on Sunday, May 2, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the church’s second parking lot; vehicles should enter from Kensington Place and exit on Prospect Street.

During these difficult times, Hinton has been a great source of encouragement and support for members though his sermons and teachings. Hinton led the initiative to bring the church’s worship services and Bible study classes online, using digital technology to reach an even greater audience. Because of this, the church experienced an increase in its membership, as several people have become virtual members from various states.

“Despite these unprecedented and challenging times, Dr. Hinton is doing an amazing job of keeping the church connected with members and numerous viewers as he and Lady Tracey Hinton have built a virtual church,” said the Rev. Thurselle C. Williams, executive pastor.

Members and others who wish to participate in the celebration are encouraged to pull up and shower the pastor and his family with love and appreciation and decorate their vehicles with encouragement signs, balloons and other decorations.

Other highlights of the celebration, which will be virtual, include two prominent guest preachers: On Sunday, May 2, at 11 a.m., John R. Faison, senior pastor of Watson Grove Baptist Church in Nashville, Tenn., will preach and on Wednesday, May 5, at 7 p.m., the message will be from Bishop James E. Jones Jr., senior pastor of Greater Grace Church in Portsmouth, Va.

For more information, call the church office at 973-678-6710.