Orange police officers graduate motorcycle school course

Kevin DeMasi

ORANGE, NJ — Orange Police Patrolman Kevin DeMasi graduated from a two-week motorcycle course at the top of the class. He earned a spot as one of the top 1 percent of motormen in the country.

Officer training, traffic safety and swift response times are key ingredients to any law enforcement agency. In Orange, the safe and efficient use of the motorcycle units is a key component. Therefore, in an effort to continue offering the best trained officers to provide these needed services, Orange Police Director Todd Warren and Chief Law Enforcement Officer Vincent Vitiello sent officers to a motorcycle school for police officers. In addition to DeMasi five other OPD officers passed the rigorous course.

The Maryland State Police Motor Course was conducted at the Bergen County Public Safety Academy and taught by experienced instructors using the challenging Maryland State Police curriculum. This course has a reputation of being one of the most demanding programs in the country. Officers attending must prove themselves capable of operating a police motorcycle under any conditions that can arise while patrolling. Students must demonstrate all of the skills necessary to perform the approximately 2,700 tasks required to operate the machine while fulfilling the police function.

More versatile than a car, police motorcycles are much less expensive than patrol cars, and cheaper to operate, allowing a savings to taxpayers. 

“Patrolman DeMasi’s training experience has confirmed that, with the proper training and wearing the proper equipment, police motorcycles are safe and reliable,” Mayor Dwayne Warren said. “We salute the manner in which all six officers represented our city and our department as they brought home another degree of effectiveness for keeping Orange safe.”