Attend Maplewood Garden Club events in March

John Black

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The Maplewood Garden Club will hold two events in early March. A workshop, titled “Yard and Garden Q&A for Newbies and Curious Minds” will be Saturday, March 2, beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the lower-level meeting room at Maplewood Memorial Library, 51 Baker St. Want to feel confident about replacing that struggling rosebush, starting a new garden or identifying poison ivy? Then don’t miss this workshop, where a panel of MGC gardening experts, including master gardeners, will field questions on a wide variety of topics. Come armed with questions and pictures. The event is free and open to all. No RSVP is required.

Just two days later, MGC will present “The Plight of the Pollinators — Natives to the Rescue” on Monday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the library. John Black, president of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey, will discuss the importance of pollinators, the struggles they face and how to make your garden pollinator friendly. During his presentation, Black will cover just what is meant by “native plants” and why pollinators need them. He will also discuss pollinators in general as well as some of the relatively common plants on which they depend. His talk follows a short business meeting and is free and open to all. No RSVP is required.