SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — Lee E. Miller, a professor of management at Seton Hall University’s Stillman School of Business and a premier trainer in the field of leadership, influencing and negotiating, will lead three seminars in March on strategic influencing.
Using role-playing and small group exercises, these highly interactive workshops will allow participants to experience the process of influencing in different cultural and organizational contexts. At the end of this course, participants will understand the roles of anchoring, legitimacy, desire, persuasion and consensus in successful influencing strategies.
Students may begin by taking either “Strategic Influencing and Communication for Women” on March 3 or Strategic Influencing and Communication on March 17, each running from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. In these workshops, students begin to understand and approach influencing in a systemic way, becoming aware of the context in which influencing takes place. “Strategic Influencing and Communication for Women” considers that men and women may need to employ influencing and negotiating techniques differently and offers the practical guide to help women shape outcomes in their own organizations as well those involving clients, suppliers and business partners.
In “Advanced Strategic Influencing” on March 24, running from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., students learn how to develop an influencing plan, while considering the roles of various players in the decisionmaking process and building on the skills developed in the prerequisite workshop.
Seton Hall University is located at 400 South Orange Ave. in South Orange. Register by Feb. 24 and receive a tuition discount and a complimentary copy of “A Women’s Guide to Successful Negotiating.” To register for the first workshop, visit Strategic Influencing and Communication for Women Register; workshop 2, Strategic Influencing and Communication Register; workshop 3, Advanced Strategic Influencing Register; workshops 1 and 3, Strategic Influencing & Communication for Women Bundle Register; and workshops 2 and 3, Strategic Influencing and Communication Bundle Register.