SOMSD seeks feedback for code of conduct

SOUTH ORANGE / MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The South Orange-Maplewood School District released the letter below to the community, seeking input for its revised code of conduct:

“SOMSD is in the final phase of creating new regulations for the district’s revised code of conduct, which was approved in July 2017. The revised policy incorporates state-mandated revisions, and also is aligned to the district’s commitment to restorative practices.

“Restorative practices are a framework for building community and responding to challenging behavior through authentic dialogue leading to understanding and action to set things right and repair and restore damaged relationships. The process supports initiators in acknowledging and repairing the harm done, helps victims and witnesses process what happened, and helps the class or school community rebuild trust.

“The proposed code of conduct and restorative practices regulations were created by a committee of staff, parents and community members, and incorporates feedback from focus groups of additional community members, students and staff. They will go into effect in the 2018-2019 school year.

Before finalizing the regulations, the district invites the community to review the current draft of the code of conduct and restorative practices regulations, and to share feedback to further inform the development of the final document.

“We invite you to:

  • Review the proposed regulations for the code of conduct and restorative practices here;
  • Learn more about restorative practices and the development of the regulations here; and
  • Provide feedback here by Monday, May 14.

“Thank you for taking the time to help us ensure that the code of conduct and restorative practices is clear and accurately represents our community’s values!”