SOPD advises residents to have home surveillance and call police as needed

SOUTH ORANGE, NJ — The South Orange Police Department reiterated the importance of vigilance and crime prevention efforts in a Dec. 5 statement. Residents are instructed to call the police whenever they see or hear something unusual; according to police, gut instincts are often correct and should be followed. Police also encourage residents to keep home security and video surveillance systems.

“As most of you know, we’ve had a spike in package thefts recently,” the SOPD said in the statement. “Looking out for one another and security video are crucial in the fight against this!”

According to police, on Dec. 5, a package thief was confronted by a homeowner via their video doorbell; the homeowner then immediately called police, who responded quickly and located a man whom police recognized as having an extensive criminal history, including thefts and robberies. The man was wearing clothing similar to those described by the resident and was seen dropping a package as the officer pulled up.

The package was addressed to a town resident, who reported a theft. Upon arresting the individual, officers discovered a loaded firearm in his jacket pocket.

“A thief, and dangerous man with a gun, is off the street tonight,” police said. “We’re grateful to the resident who notified us without delay and hope this serves as a testament to what we can do, police and citizens, when we work together.”