‘The Ever Curious Gardener’ with MGC

Lee Reich

MAPLEWOOD, NJ — Maplewood Garden Club kicks off its 2018‑19 speakers program on Monday, Sept. 17, at 7:30 p.m. at Maplewood Memorial Library, 51 Baker St. in Maplewood, when Lee Reich — avid gardener, scientist and author — presents “The Ever Curious Gardener: Using a Little Natural Science for a Much Better Garden.” Offering insight and practical guidance, Reich will cover topics from his new book, “The Ever Curious Gardener,” such as helping plants thrive during drought, water movement in soil, soil acidity and pruning basics — all with very practical application in the backyard. This presentation is ideal for newer gardeners who are moving beyond back-of-the-seed-pack planting as well as experienced gardeners whose curiosity at the wonders of cultivation grows deeper and stronger with each season. Reich’s talk follows a short business meeting and is free and open to all.