MAPLEWOOD, NJ — The Maplewood Historic Village District will be considered for nomination to the New Jersey and National Register of Historic Places by the New Jersey State Review Board for Historic Sites on Oct. 2. Both registers are official lists of historic properties worthy of preservation and provide recognition and assistance in preserving the nation’s heritage.
To help Maplewood Village property owners, merchants and the interested public understand the meaning of this listing, on Wednesday, Sept. 9, at 8 p.m., the township of Maplewood and the Maplewood Historic Preservation Commission will host a virtual informational meeting. The history and unique qualities of Maplewood Village will be covered, as well as the significance and effects of the registers. Presenters will be consultant Margaret Hickey, from Connolly & Hickey Historical Architects, who researched and wrote the nomination; and Andrea Tingey, a principal historical preservation specialist from the New Jersey Office of Historic Preservation. There will be time for a question-and-answer session.
Join the Zoom meeting at https://twp-maplewood-nj-us.zoom.us/j/93828714455?pwd=ay91UEQxYU95WnpQbmlIVGZsN2Y2Zz09. The meeting ID is 938-2871-4455 and the passcode is 198346. To dial into the meeting via telephone, call 1-929-205-6099.