Area NAACP to host virtual youth summit

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — The Oranges & Maplewood NAACP Young Adult and Youth Works Committees will host a virtual youth summit livecast on Saturday, Sept. 25, at 11 a.m. titled “So You Think You’re Ready for this Adultin’ Thing”? Register online at

The conference will feature a panel of experts to address various topics. Joyce Harley Wilson, an attorney specializing in community development, economic development and public policy initiatives, will discuss community engagement and voting in “It’s More Than Just the President.” Melissa Jean-Baptiste, co-founder and content creator of the Millennial in Debt brand, will discuss finance and housing in “Moving Out of Your Parents House 101.” Licensed clinical social worker Derrick Howell, founder of Humble Monarch Therapy, a practice that provides a safe space to engage in individual, family and group therapy, will discuss mental health in “It’s OK Not to Be OK.”

“The purpose of this virtual youth summit is to address and seek solution-based strategies to help foster greater awareness of issues such as community engagement, voting, finance, housing and mental health, as it relates specifically to impacting the growth and development and quality of life for youth and young adults in the communities we serve,” said Danielle Thomas, O&M NAACP’s third vice president, Young Adults Committee chairperson and conference co-organizer. 

“Our goal is to provide workable solutions to the challenges young people face through thought-provoking presentations that meet our young adult contemporaries where they are and by providing them a survival kit of tools to better navigate the road to successful adulthood,” said Jasmine Derrick, O&M NAACP Youth Works Committee chairperson and conference co-organizer. 

For more information, contact 973-339-7795 or