Celebrity authors and national meteorologist visit Washington Elementary School

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Chelsea Clinton, Kevin Hart, Dr. Ben Carson, author Andrea Beaty, and Fox meteorologist John Marshall have all paid visits to Washington Elementary School in West Orange during the school year, either virtually or in person.

Washington reading specialist Wendi Giuliano said, “We have been very fortunate with author mentors this year! We learned so much from all of these amazing authors and leaders.”

In December, Carson and his wife, Candy, held a webinar with students. Ben Carson read his book “Why America Matters” and other favorites. The visit from Clinton was also a thrill for students.

“We were excited to see and hear from Ms. Clinton,” Guiliano said. “This webinar visit focused on the many accomplishments of women in history and showcased Ms. Clinton along with other authors that have (highlighted) female accomplishments … in history. It was very exciting.”

After a long delay due to the pandemic, Marshall brought his meteorology presentation to Washington on Feb. 3. Marshall boasts a 23-year career as a meteorologist on CBS2 and WNBC Channel 4. He currently works at FOX Weather, a national weather streaming platform. 

Marshall brought his “John’s Weather Tour” to teach students about meteorology and give them the opportunity to become weathercasters for the day. Kindergarten teacher Katherine Fitzpatrick helped to arrange the visit.

Photos Courtesy of WOSD