Ceremonial ribbon-cutting welcomes two businesses in WO

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Mayor Robert Parisi welcomed two new, neighboring businesses to town with a ceremonial ribbon cutting on Sept. 18 at 474 Prospect Ave. in the rear of the Glen Rock Savings Bank building. The dual ceremony was the town’s first since the COVID-19 pandemic hit; attendees at the ceremony maintained social distance and wore masks over their bright smiles.

Parisi was joined by Council President Michelle Casalino and Councilwoman Susan McCartney in welcoming Frederick and Lisa Neal of Newbody Training System, who recently relocated to West Orange from Union. Immediately following, the same trio of town officials stood with Lisa Batchelor, a West Orange business owner for 23 years, who recently relocated to a new location. Batchelor owns Unique Performance Arts Center and is pictured with her husband, Kevin Richberg.​

Photos Courtesy of Joseph Fagan