Chabad education program to ask tough questions about criminal justice

WEST ORANGE, NJ — This February, Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz of Chabad of West Orange will offer “Crime and Consequence,” a new six-session course by the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, exploring 3,000 years of Jewish perspective on conviction, sentencing and criminal rehabilitation.

Beginning Monday, Feb. 4, at 7:30 p.m., participants in the course will challenge their thinking, ponder the implications of ancient Talmudic wisdom for complex modern cases, and get to the heart of the most pressing injustices facing our criminal justice system today.

“DNA testing is proving that we’ve been convicting innocent people. When we incarcerate first-time offenders, we’re turning them into hardened criminals. Known murderers are able to walk free on a technicality. How can we stand by and remain silent to these serious flaws in our criminal justice system?” Kasowitz said in a press release. “I believe the first step is for us, as a community, to acknowledge the issues and explore possible solutions. And can you think of a better place to look for guidance than Judaism’s wisdom of the ages?”

“Crime and Consequence” is accredited in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania for attorneys and other law professionals to earn continuing education credits. Like all JLI programs, this course is designed for people at all levels of knowledge, including those without any prior experience or background in Jewish learning. All JLI courses are open to the public, and attendees need no prior affiliation.

Interested students may call 973-325-6311 or visit for registration and for other course-related information.