Engineering Explorations to be held at West Orange High School

WEST ORANGE, NJ — Engineering Explorations, the popular summer program designed and run by West Orange High School supervisor of technology and engineering Ryan del Guercio, returns on July 27.

To review the COVID-19 operational plan, which details strict safety protocols, visit As a result of COVID-19 precautions, space is limited.

The innovation STEM camp for tomorrow’s engineers will run from July 27 through Aug. 14, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at West Orange High School, 51 Conforti Ave. Students will take home all projects they fabricate and will be offered courses in the foundations of STEM, engineering design, 3D prototyping and graphic design, and fabricating and programming robotics.

All campers receive a T-shirt, pen and cinch bag on the first day of camp. To learn more and register, visit